10 Outfit Locations You Can Find Just About Anywhere

10 Outfit Locations You Can Find Just About Anywhere

As a style blogger (and a full-time photographer) I’m always on the lookout for a great new location to shoot at. Shooting outside is a necessary evil for style bloggers but it can be a lot trickier to get right than…

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The Khaki Vest Dress

The Khaki Vest Dress

“If you want to be happy, be.” — Leo Tolstoy

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Chicago Eats || Chicken Shop

Chicago Eats || Chicken Shop

Literally next door to one of my favorite (budget-friendly!) restaurants in Chicago, The Allis, is yet ANOTHER of my favorite haunts. Right up the stairs from Allis, inside the very same building, is a delicious little spot I find myself at ALL…

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A Bouquet of Pink Tulips

A Bouquet of Pink Tulips

“Always keep that happy attitude. Pretend that you are holding a beautiful fragrant bouquet.” — Earl Nightingale

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Simple French Dijon Dressing

Simple French Dijon Dressing

As I first mentioned last week, in 2004 I went on an exchange program to live with a wonderful family in the French city of Grenoble. It was my first time leaving the country and my first, true introduction to the culinary…

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