Parson’s Chicken and Fish

Parson’s Chicken and Fish

Whenever people ask me about my favorite Chicago summer patio, I always direct them to Parson’s Chicken and Fish. With an entire menu of frozen cocktails and a large, private patio (complete with its own ping-pong table!), it’s hard to…

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Obsessing Over… My Aquazzura Mayfair Booties

Obsessing Over… My Aquazzura Mayfair Booties

We all have those pieces in our closet that we worship. For sentimental reasons or other reasons. Pieces we love so much we forget the price we paid. Pieces that have a PERMANENT spot in our wardrobe. The ones we…

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3 Dresses You’ll Live In For The Rest Of Summer

3 Dresses You’ll Live In For The Rest Of Summer

Ok is anyone else ridiculously annoyed that it’s not even August and yet Halloween decorations seem to be popping up in stores everywhere already? I mean, it’s STILL July! And here in Chicago, hot, humid summer weather usually sticks around for…

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What I’m Into || July 2016

What I’m Into || July 2016

Since March I’ve been writing a monthly “What I’m Into” series to showcase all the cool, fun, and random things I’ve been enjoying behind-the-scenes. It’s become one of my favorite posts to write each month if only because I find so many…

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Without Change

Without Change

“Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken.“ — Frank Herbert

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