Make Life An Adventure

Make Life An Adventure

“Instead of trying to make your life perfect, give yourself the freedom to make it an adventure, and go ever upward.“ — Drew Houston

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My Weekend Uniform

My Weekend Uniform

“Part of the way the work world works is not so much creating a separation between your work and your free time, but creating the illusion of a separation between your work and your free time. Every day is the…

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Finland || 5 Days in Arctic Lapland

Finland || 5 Days in Arctic Lapland

Despite the fact that I’ve been traveling a lot this year (well, for me), most of it hasn’t been for pleasure. So when the Visit Finland invited me and a marvelous group of bloggers to Lapland in the Arctic Circle to follow…

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Martini Madness at CH Distillery

Martini Madness at CH Distillery

I’ll be the first person to admit that for many years I didn’t actually know what March Madness meant. Ask me any details about most professional and college-level sports teams and I’ll blink back blindly at you. I know almost nothing…

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Kitsune Restaurant & Pub

Kitsune Restaurant & Pub

Every now and then… On those truly rare occasions… You meet a restaurant you fall MADLY, WILDLY, and ECSTATICALLY in love with. The sort of place where every bite entices you more. The sort of menu that has you wanting…

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