The Pool at the Peninsula

The Pool at the Peninsula

“Somehow I kept my head above water. I relied on the discipline, character, and strength that I had started to develop as that little girl in her first swimming pool.“ — Esther Williams

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3 Great (& Free!) Places for Enjoying a Chicago Summer

3 Great (& Free!) Places for Enjoying a Chicago Summer

“Chicago will give you a chance. The sporting spirit is the spirit of Chicago.“ — Lincoln Steffens

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10 of the Best Things I Did This Spring

10 of the Best Things I Did This Spring

“Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower and draws all good things towards you.” — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

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What I’m Into || May 2017

What I’m Into || May 2017

It’s the end of May already and time to share my favorite finds from the month! Without meaning to, today’s post has a very, VERY British theme. Most of you I’m quite the anglophile (let’s not even start with how many posts…

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Chicago Eats || Tanta

Chicago Eats || Tanta

Ceviche. Delicious, zingy ceviche. It’s one of my absolute favorite foods and something I especially crave in the warmer, summer months. I swear, give me a glass of rosé (or a Rosé Slushie Float) and a pile of fresh ceviche…

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