Traveling the world is truly an art.
We travel to explore. To experience new things. And to make our lives richer through these experiences.
It's addictive, inspiring, and exhilarating.
And it's the only thing we can buy that will truly make our souls richer.
But I find, when most of us travel, we forget to do one very important thing: Look Down.
There's a whole, brilliant, beautiful world beneath our feet. And so many lessons on similarities and differences to be found.
When I was in college and showing my photography work at galleries, I used to love doing series photography. I had an entire series of models in high-fashion covering their heads entirely with umbrellas (yes, seriously!). I had a series made entirely of my hand reaching out and touching leaves throughout the year. I had a series of portraits I took of my father in various props and weird things found around our studio (top hats, boas... you name it.).
So as I've begun traveling more for this blog, the itch to start a photo series around my travels became imperative. I love the idea of shooting the same type of shot in hundreds of locations around the world. And so my travel "shoefie" series was born.
What's a "shoefie" I hear you asking?
Well, we have selfies, right? Shoe + Selfie = Shoefie
Shoefies are my favorite kind of selfie -- a quick way to document that moment. That #fromwhereistand moment. That light. That tile. Those shoes. The dirt on them. THAT moment.
That exact spot where you connected with that place.
Our feet are our most direct connection to the world around us and I truly believe every step we take makes us a richer person for it.
So the next time you're traveling don't forget to look down. Who knows? Maybe you'll start your own shoefie series!