“Getting an inch of snow is like winning 10 cents in the lottery.“
— Bill Watterson
Coat – Altuzarra (similar) || Sweater – Theory (similar) || Pants – Blank NYC || Bag – Chloé || Boots – Oscar Sport (similar) || Gloves – Echo (similar)
Chicago winters are never easy but this winter has felt harder than most.
Perhaps it’s the endless stream of one-to-two inch snow falls we’ve been getting. Or the fact that the temperatures have been shifting wildly by almost 50 degrees every week, making sidewalks dangerously icy (not to mention the ice dropping off buildings can be lethal!).
Or the fact that we ALMOST broke our coldest day ever record last week…
Either way I’m sick of it. And ready to high-tail it out of here to warmer climes. You with me?
P.s. I snagged this thinsulate-lined parka on The Real Real for a fraction of it’s original $2.6k price tag. If you’re in the market for a good quality parka (and aren’t attached to name brands like Canada Goose which rarely go on deep sale), The Real Real is a great resource. I’d been searching for a chic, city-appropriate parka that would keep me warm for years. And since I live in Chicago, I KNEW it had to have thinsulate so I started searching The Real Real every few weeks for any cute thinsulate coats. My diligence paid off and yours will too, just be patient!