"Fashion is part of the daily air and it changes all the time, with all the events. You can even see the approaching of a revolution in clothes. You can see and feel everything in clothes."
-- Diana Vreeland

Dress – Zara || Trench - SheIn (similar) || Bag - c/o VT Thai || Shoes - Aquazzura || Belt - B-Low The Belt (ON SALE! And such a great spring classic!) || Lips – Stila Stay All-Day in ‘Bella’
Photos courtesy of Anna of Noir Friday

Last week one of my favorite bloggers, Janet Mandell, launched her new business with one of the most amazing fashion shows Chicago has EVER had.
By:Fashionaholic -- a one-stop shop for everything rare and lust-worthy in designer clothing rentals.
The concept is simple: sign up as a member and rent from Janet's jaw-dropping closet.
And no we aren't talking about renting just any old pieces.
How about that limited edition Chanel Spring 2011 bag you've been dying to find?
Or that Gucci jumpsuit that you never got out of your head?
She has it ALL. And some vintage pieces I'm itching to shoot!
But, since I'm a photographer, why TELL you when I can SHOW you?
Here are a few of my favorite looks from the spring collection:
You can schedule an appointment with the by:Fashionaholic team here.
Which pieces are your favorites?