"In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt."
-- Margaret Atwood

Blazer - Theory || Tank - c/o AG Jeans || Skirt - Vintage via Etsy (similar) || Bag - Vintage via Etsy || Wedges - Forever 21 (similar) || Belt - Zara || Sunglasses - Ray-Ban || Earrings - Etsy

Spring came SOOOOOOO late this year that here it is, the day AFTER Memorial Day, and I'm posting my first (and only!) outfit with spring blooms. Thank goodness my beloved sister and I shot these on a Saturday walk before they were all gone!
Considering that I at least got two looks (1 / 2) with blooms out last year before May 29th, I'm a little frustrated.
But mostly grateful that spring has finally arrived in Chicago. Though with the hot weather we had last weekend, I'm guessing this is one of those springs that's really just summer for us.
I often say summer is the best time to be in the Windy City. There are so many amazing things to do and the weather is finally nice enough that you actually want to do them!
Looking for some inspiration for your Chicago summer? Here are 3 of my favorite (FREE) places to visit in the city in summer! And in case you need more ideas there's always my 99 Things To Do in Chicago list and, of course, my Chicago Travel Guide!
Also isn't my sister such a BETTY?
She was my original model back when I started my photography business at 15 and she's STILL my favorite subject to shoot. We can't ever go out and shoot without making complete fools of ourselves and having an amazing time at it!
Here are a few of the shots we took on our walk that morning. Visual proof that spring really is the prettiest time of year in Chicago (when it actually arrives that is):