“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.“
— Michael Jordan

Coat – Veda (bought on The Real Real) || Skirt – Halston Heritage || Blouse – c/o SheIn || Bag – c/o VT Thai (last seen here) || Pumps – Prada || Lips – Stila in ‘Beso’ || Hair – c/o DryBar
While we still technically have a few more weeks of winter, its felt A LOT like spring here in Chicago these past few days.
The birds are out chirping…
The sun’s been out for several days in a row (complete with deep blue skies and perfect fluffy clouds)…
It’s enough to make a girl giddy!
YES — deep down I know we’re undoubtedly in for at least one more snow fall. Winter can’t possibly be over yet… right?
But a girl can dream of beautiful spring early, can’t she?
P.S. If you’re in Chicago, be sure to stop by the newest Drybar location in the W Hotel in the Loop! I’ve been a huge fan of Drybar for years (their curling iron is the only one I ever use anymore), and am so thrilled to see them expanding to more locations around Chicago. Their new location is absolutely gorgeous and their entire team ROCKS! Bonus? The loose curls they styled for this shoot lasted me two whole days!