“Make New Year’s goals. Dig within, and discover what you would like to have happen in your life this year. This helps you do your part. It is an affirmation that you’re interested in fully living life in the year to come.”
— Melody Beattie

Dress – Amazon (under $70!) || Wedges – Tory Burch (similar) || Headband – Amazon || Lips – Stila in ‘Beso’
Happy 2018!
A new year… a fresh start.
While I’m not generally a fan of making “New Year’s Resolutions” just because, I DO love making resolutions for the new year based on all that happened in the previous year. What made me happy? What made me fulfilled?
Resolutions give me the opportunity to reflect on the past year and to find the areas I most want to improve. If 2017 is any indication, 2018 is going to be one HELLUVAH year!
3 Resolutions for 2018
1. Prioritize Travel
2017 I traveled more than I ever have (Finland, Mexico, Italy and so much more!) and I hope to keep the momentum up for 2018. I have so many places to visit on my bucket list — it would take a life-time to see them all so I’d better get a move on!
I’m hoping to finally make it Down Under this year (to see the dying coral reefs), as well as take Hubby for his first trip to Italy (perhaps for our 5th Wedding Anniversary in May?), possibly take a flight across the pond to visit friends in London, and to make it back to NYC at least twice this next year.
2. Buy Less
My life motto is quality over quantity — this blog is NAMED after the Latin phrase for quality over quantity (‘Pauca Sed Bona’), after all! But as a blogger you can so quickly fall into a materialistic trap… “just one more coat for winter shoots”, “I can review this lipstick on the blog”, “my closet neeeeeeds that”.
It’s so EASY to accumulate things. And, with as many brands as I work with, I accumulate things ALL the time for work too.
And my once beautifully pruned closet has suffered. Once pulling outfits together was a breeze. Now I suffer from the problem of TOO many choices (a diagnosis born from rereading one of my favorite organization books). Not to mention my clothes are so jammed into my closet that I can hardly ever find anything I’m looking for.
How… practical?
So this year I want to focus on quality over quantity in my wardrobe (in all aspects of life but especially in my wardrobe). Instead of buying four cute, wear-once-then-discard bags, I want to invest in one wear-for-the-rest-of-your-life bag. Instead of five trendy pieces that look good on camera but don’t feel like “me” at all, I’m going to focus on repurposing what’s already in my closet (remember when I wore a skirt as a top?).
Sometimes the answer isn’t more “stuff”… the answer is using your “stuff” more intelligently.
3. Time with Family
Hubby and I traveled a lot last year and there were a few solid weeks this summer and fall where we only saw one another for a day or two. It was miserable.
This year was a rough year for both our families. We’ve both found ourselves exhausted and drained from the drama, not to mention the losses. It’s been nice to have the last few weeks at home with Hubby focusing on what matters most. I hope these last few weeks of family time will continue a trend well into 2018!
What are some of your resolutions for 2018?