Most people who've been to Italy speak of it with a profound reverence. As if their life was split into two parts: before they visited beautiful Italia, and after.
As if you're never the same person once you've visited. As if your soul awakens after one single bite of fresh pasta.
Until my first trip to Italy I didn't understand it. I knew I'd be enamored with the incredible food, stunning architecture, and passionate people but I didn't expect to fall as madly and deeply in love with the country as I did.
I didn't expect one country to awaken so much passion and creativity in just a few short days.
This year marked my first visit to Italy and what will undoubtedly be a lifelong love-affair with one of the most beautiful places on earth...
Highlights from the best of my 2017 trips to the Arctic Circle of Finland and the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico are on the blog too!