“Life is worth living as long as there’s a laugh in it.”
— L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Dress – SheIn || Tote – c/o Everlane || Hat – Forever 21 (similar)
Photos courtesy of Caitlin of Public Lives, Secret Recipes (remember when I contributed a Mushroom Toast recipe to her blog years ago?)
Sometimes the world becomes too much.
Sometimes even a heel-loving, fashion-obsessed blogger like me craves simplicity.
To take my shoes off and just dig me feet in the sand and just BE.
When I shot this outfit I feared it would be too boring. Too simple. Too… well, real.
Because of all the outfits I’ve shared here on the blog, this outfit has to be one of the most authentic to who I am on the inside. Despite loving opulence like I do, I’m a simple girl at heart. Give me an empty beach, an easy day dress (with pockets!), and a good book and I’ll be gone for hours…
And I don’t know why but I couldn’t help but feel very much like Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables when I shot these photos. Like I was walking the shores of Prince Edward Island, not North Avenue Beach!
There’s always been something about her determined optimism and brilliant imagination I’ve found enduring. I’ve read the Anne of Green Gables books now for decades and still, every time I reread them, am discovering new lessons in their pages.
What literary heroines have stuck with you throughout the years from childhood to adulthood?