“Be spectacularly great at what you do. Wear your passion on your sleeve and hold your heart in the palm of your hand. And work hard. Really hard.“
— Robin S. Sharma

Dress – SheIn (similar) || Sandals – SheIn || Bag – Alexander Wang || Sunglasses – BP. || Earrings – c/o T&J Designs || Lips – Kevyn Aucoin ‘Relentless’
Photos courtesy of Ali of Those White Walls
It’s Memorial Day!
I seriously can’t believe almost half the year has already sped by…
Even though I know the “official” start of summer isn’t for another good three weeks, doesn’t Memorial Day weekend always feel like the start of summer? Or at least like it should be the start of summer?
Patios are opening up everywhere, menus are featuring the dishes I most crave in summer, and the sun just will NOT stop shining.
It’s enough to make this Midwest girl giddy!
And undoubtedly one of the biggest trends I’ll be wearing ALL summer long is palm prints.
Palm prints — my favorite summer print and one of my must-have summer wardrobe essentials. Palm prints are sophisticated yet playful, down-to-earth yet glamorous… they’re the perfect thing to wear on those summer nights when you find yourself wondering what to wear. It’s like summer camouflage for the jet-set crowd. And undoubtedly you’ll see me busting out both today’s maxi dress and this Issa palm wrap dress over and over and over again until fall.
Looking to add some warm-weather freshness to your summer wardrobe? I’ve rounded up a few of my favorite palm print pieces (both luxury and budget) for you:
And here’s one last good-bye look at spring: