“Advice is like snow — the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.“
— Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Coat – Eddie Bauer (similar) || Sweater – Forever 21 (similar) || Leggings – Amazon || Boots – Oscar Sport (similar) || Shawl – L. K. Bennett (similar) || Hat – Amazon || Gloves – Echo (similar) || Sunglasses – Ray-Ban
As irony and fate would have it, I’ve scheduled today’s VERY snowy post smack dab in the middle of a Chicago “mini spring”. It’s seriously 60 degrees outside right now! In February!!
Can every winter be like this?
BUT as all native Midwesterners know, winter can be a harsh mistress (Heinlein, anyone?). Undoubtedly it’ll be back for at least one more snowy storm before spring settles in and it never hurts to be prepared for the painful inevitability. The very painful, very snowy inevitability.
So today I’m sharing the BEST things to have on-hand to not only prepare yourself for the next snow day but to help you embrace it too!
My 10 Must-Have Snow Day Essentials
1. Fur or Waterproof Boots
Duh, right? But you’d be shocked at how many people forget these! Get a great pair of fur boots, wellies with fur-lining (such a life-saver in snow!) or fur-lined utility boots — anything warm, hearty, and super cozy inside. The main goal isn’t to look chic necessarily — focus on keeping the snow out and the cozy in. You’ll be significantly less miserable the next time it snows 6 inches in 2 hours.
2. USB Hand Warmer
This tiny little pink hand warmer has saved me more times than I care to count. Just charge it at any USB port, toss it in your bag, and use it whenever you need to thaw your fingers (like when you’re shooting in 10-degree weather or needing to throw just one more snowball at your husband…). Also it comes in plenty of colors, not just pink! What’s not to love?
3. Waterproof Parka or Puffer
Another obvious snow day essential but probably the most important! Find a parka with velcro or knit cuffs to keep the snow out of your sleeves and make sure it’s sized large enough to layer underneath. And it never hurts to find one in a fun color — it’ll pop against all that magnificent snow!
4. Puffy Liner
Before heading head-first into a giant snow pile, make sure you zip a puffy liner vest on underneath your coat. Usually once I’ve spent more than ten minutes in the snow I’ll overheat so it’s great to have some easily removable layers on under your coat to help you cool off before you’re drenched in your own sweat (hey, it happens).
5. Knit Hat
Heat escapes through the head so keep it in with a chic knit hat. Find one in a bright color so you don’t lose it in the snow! This red beanie of mine has been a serious life-saver all winter (and even looks good with dressier outfits!).
6. Thick Scarf
The ultimate winter layering piece! Like puffy liners, thick scarves and shawls are perfect for wrapping around yourself when you’re chilly but are easy to remove once you’ve started sweating from moving around in the snow. Invest in one large wool one with subtle but sophisticated prints for versatility — it’ll take you from snow days to meetings to movie dates.
7. Thermos
Anyone who knows me knows I can’t like without my Chemex coffee in the morning. I brew it everyday without fail. And on a snow day, there’s NOTHING like a piping hot thermos of coffee (or hot chocolate) to sip on in the cold. I preheat my leakproof thermos (pour hot water in and let it sit for a few minutes while your coffee is brewing, then drain) then pour in my coffee and seal it. If I’m diligent about sealing my thermos after every sip, it’ll stay piping hot in 20 degree weather for HOURS. Amazing, and such a life-saver on those crazy cold snow days.
8. Fleece-Lined Leggings
A winter wardrobe essential that makes SUCH a difference on snow days. When I layers these under today’s pair of leather leggings, I can handle double the snow day fun because my knees aren’t red, raw, and freezing after the first hour.
9. Texting Gloves
I don’t even know why they make gloves that can’t be used on touch screens anymore! They’re such a life-saver on those snowy frostbitten days when you need to answer emails and messages on the run. Be smart and find yourself at least one or two pairs you can use all winter long. No one wants to try texting with bare hands in the snow!
10. Polarized Sunglasses
I have light-sensitive eyes but pretty much everyone suffers from the brightness snow gives off when you look at it, even on dark, cloudy days. And when it’s snowing heavily, I always reach for the polarized pairs. They reduce the brightness and glare of the snow really effectively (especially when driving in the snow!). Protect your eyes and your eyesight in the snow — wear polarized lenses religiously!
What are some of your snow day essentials?