August is my favorite month for a lot of reasons.
It’s my birthday month. Which is a terribly selfish reason for loving it. But it’s also a beautifully lush month — blooms are still everywhere and all the brilliant green trees are at their most luscious. It’s a stormy month (which I find to be pleasant — does anyone else love thunderstorms too?). And it’s the last month of summer — al fresco patios are still teeming with patrons and people seem to sense fall is near, soaking up and celebrating the last warmth we’ll have until the next year.
And this month I’ve happened to find some of the greatest behind-the-scenes finds YET! If you look at nothing else in this post, take a look at the Laura Mercer face oil which has single-handedly changed the composition of my skin (especially when I use it in conjunction with last month’s Clarisonic Mia). I’ve never used a product that’s made me glow more, though I’ll be honest that each of this month’s products makes me glow with happiness in their own unique way. So without further ado…
What I’m Into || August 2016
Laura Mercer ‘Flawless Skin’ Infusion de Rose Nourishing Oil
Without a doubt this is the BEST face oil I’ve ever used. I’ve always gotten lots of compliments on my skin (thanks Mom for the good genes!) but since using this face oil mid-way through July, I’ve had people stop me in the street to ask what I use. I mean literally STOP me in the street. I even had a woman approach me while I was in the middle of a client shoot off Michigan Avenue!
And the answer is it’s ALL this face oil.
I tried the La Mer face oil a few months ago after having a facial with their Chicago team and loved it. But I just could NOT swallow that $200+ price tag so finding this Laura Mercer option was such a huge relief (both for my skin AND my wallet).
This brilliant oil does everything the La Mer oil does but with a formula that sinks into my skin faster all with a beautifully fragrant rose scent. It controls my adult acne but keeps my inherently dry skin moisturized and supple. And it’s worked MIRACLES on those tiny frown lines I’ve seen creeping up this past year (#bitchface problems). I love the way my skin looks after using this oil! I’ve started religiously applying it before any heavy make-up applications (waiting a few minutes for it to soak in before applying my foundation) and took it on my flight to Florida last week and have never deplaned looking so radiant.
Since everyone’s skin is different I highly suggest buying a sample and giving this oil a try, even if you’re scared of face oils in general. It’s a serious game-changer for me so I hope it’ll be one for you too!
Squeaky Clean Mouth Wash
Natural mouth wash used to be the sort of thing that would send me running to the hills, clinging to my bottle of Listerine like my life depended on it. I’ve had gum infections in the past so I religiously use mouth wash everyday and never thought I’d be able to find a natural mouth wash I trusted more than my Listerine.
Until I tried this one from Squeaky Clean. It’s a simple no-nonsense mouth wash. Direct and straight in flavor and purpose. The long and short of it is this natural mouth wash WORKS. And works WELL.
And don’t you just love the chic, minimal packaging is and that it’s available on Amazon Prime?!
Delfonics Pouch
I fell in love with this pouch while stopping at a Madewell event here in Chicago last month. The quality and build of it are insanely impressive. I can already tell this little pouch will be able to take a serious amount of abuse without looking worn at all. And it’s the sleekest way I’ve found to tote around my enormous phone battery (when you use your phone as much as I do, you need one that powerful!).
I love it so much I’m already debating a second one to help me organize some of my camera gear odds and ends like SD Cards and extra batteries.

Chanel Le Vernis Nail Polish in No. 536 ‘Emeraude’
As a life-long lover of the color green, I’ve searched for what feels like my whole life for the perfect green nail color. I tried to make that Nails Inc. color work for me last fall but I HATED the formula and it chipped almost immediately on me. So frustrating…
But recently Chanel upgraded their nail polish formulas and released this beautiful, emerald-inspired hue for their fall collection. So far I’ve been really impressed with how much staying power the new formula has and the beauty of this nail polish both indoors and outside. I’m abusive to my nails, banging them about repeatedly on camera gear day in and day out like it’s my job (oh, wait, it is!). So any nail polish that lasts 3 days without chipping is a winner in my book.
This one does and does so beautifully. The subtle hints of gold and green sparkle make it really stunning in direct sunlight (the color is more muted indoors). I’m beyond thrilled to finally find a green nail polish I actually CARE about!
Fortnum & Mason Jasmine Tea
In preparation for my family’s trip to London next month (a memorial trip for my grandfather and grandmother who both passed away last winter), I’ve been drinking LOADS of tea. Plenty of Earl Grey to be sure but the blend I’ve been reaching for most is actually this floral one from Fortnum & Mason, a Williams-Sonoma exclusive I’ve been addicted to ever since I developed that Zucchini Chip recipe for their Lincoln Park store.
It’s floral and zingy, bright and rich. I’ve always loved the flavor of jasmine tea and this blend has to be the best one I’ve had yet! I just can’t wait to finally go to the original Fortnum & Mason next month to try this blend again in its home territory!
Other great flavors from Fortnum & Mason: Countess Grey and the Chelsea Garden Blend
What are YOU using and loving this month?