“To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain, and play with it.”
— Charlie Chaplin
Skirt – Zara || Turtleneck – Forever 21 (similar) || Jacket – Zara || Booties – Joie (similar) || Sunglasses – Le Specs || Ring – Vintage || Lips – Kevyn Aucoin ‘Relentless’
Photos courtesy of blogger Heidi
Alright, I know what you’re thinking and I promise this will be my last pleated skirt and striped top combination for spring.
I’ve worn the combination quite a bit this past month (1 / 2) — it’s quickly become my go-to uniform when I want to look polished and put-together but with a dash of whimsy. Stripes and pleats are two of my very favorite spring wardrobe essentials and I’ve been amazed at just how many combinations I can create on the theme (especially considering the fact that I only own two pleated skirts).
One of my very first blog posts (please feel free to laugh at the terrible photo quality!) was on my summer 2014 uniform. It was the first season I’d ever actually developed a wardrobe uniform for myself and I quickly realized the potential it had. It’s a similar idea to Amber’s Spring (Non) Capsule Wardrobe — you pick out the pieces you consider to be essentials for the season and use those pieces as building blocks for a myriad of looks. I like to think of seasonal essentials as a skeleton framework to use as a foundation to build off.
Take this pleated skirt for example.
On chillier spring days I pair it with this Zara jacket and a little turtleneck to stay comfortable, but on the days when its warm, I wear it like I did last week. One uniform formula really can work for so many different situations!
What’s your spring uniform?