“In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.”
— Mark TwainSHOP THE LOOK:
Trench – Gryphon (similar: 1 / 2) || Dress – Rachel Zoe (similar) || Booties – Joie (similar: 1 / 2) || Tote – H&M || Pom – Asos (similar) || Sunglasses – Forever 21 (similar) || Jewelry – Etsy Necklace & Noir Ring || Lips – YSL Pop Water No. 204 || Nails – Nails Inc NailKale in ‘Mayfair Lane’
Photos courtesy of blogger Heidi
Here in Chicago we really are in the midst of the spring trenches. And by that I mean our weather has been downright CRUEL!
Yes, spring weather is always schizophrenic and I depend on my spring wardrobe essentials to help me look chic while staying practical throughout the season.
But lately I feel like Chicago has been playing a cruel, cruel joke on us that even the most prepared wardrobe can’t handle. The weekend my Nana passed away in February it was 60+ degrees outside. Now, weeks later, we’re predicting snow today AND tomorrow.
And, though it’s an ironic truth of the universe that the moment you pack away your winter coats, winter resurfaces with a vengeance, I’m really not okay with this weather shift.
One of my favorite Shakespeare quotes is “expectation is the root of all heartache,” and while he certainly didn’t mean weather expectations, I still feel like it applies here. We had our beautiful glimpse of warmth last month and WOW did my heart ache the moment the temperature dropped again!
We’re in the spring trenches, guys. This is weather warfare. You never know what it’s going to be like from one moment to the next!
I guess that means it’s time to wear our battle armor (ahem, I mean trench coats), give Mother Nature a well-deserved-yet-demure middle finger, and soldier on until spring returns…