French women have been made beautiful by the French people – they’re very aware of their bodies, the way they move and speak, they’re very confident of their sexuality. French society’s made them like that.
— Charlotte Rampling
Skirt – Asos || Tee – Boden || Purse – Alexander McQueen ‘Heroine’ (obsessed, medium in black) || Wedges – Forever 21 || Hat – Forever 21 || Jewelry – Tiffany (Bracelet & Similar Necklace) & Noir (1 / 2) || Nails – Christian Louboutin in ‘Just Nothing’ || Lashes – c/oMaria at Dennis Bartholomei
Photos courtesy of blogger Heidi
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about self-confidence and no women in the world seem to have more self-confidence than French women! They somehow manage to ooze an aura of charisma regardless of the place, situation, or the fact that it’s been four days since they last washed their hair.
When I met famed French blogger Garance Doré in November 2014 she absolutely entranced me. Despite the fact that she was moving through a sea of glamorous people in an enormous museum she still somehow captured the attention of the ENTIRE room.
Naturally I’m a very introverted person. I can certainly exhibit extraversion when I want to but what makes me an introvert is how draining I find social interactions to be. I NEED alone time to balance out heavy social schedules or else I quickly burn out. When I started in finance after graduating in 2009, I found myself completely overwhelmed! Not only was I expected to be the face of a well-respected, multi-national bank to clients, but I was also expected to network at events and somehow SELL my analytical knowledge to strangers. It was daunting! And I really struggled with it during my first year.
When my husband and I first started dating I remember telling him once how much I admired his charisma and he let me in on his secret… he learned it all from ONE book: The Charisma Myth. It’s seriously one of the BEST books I’ve ever read and a great read for anyone needing to market or advertise themselves successfully. NO ONE wants to work with a grumpy, whiny, elitist. This book single-handedly cured much of my social anxiety and gave me concrete tips for navigating the confusing seas of networking without feeling like I was losing myself in the process.
But it’s been 4 years since I’ve read the book.
And lately, with all of the struggles of the past few months, I’ve finally remember The Charisma Myth and how much confidence it helped me build all those years ago. So I’m giving it a reread as well as channeling my inner French girl with some fun spring looks to help me build up my confidence again and give me the boost I so desperately need.
Where do you look when you need a confidence boost?