As I mentioned earlier this week, Thanksgiving was my late father’s favorite holiday.
Because it was all about family, love, and good food — the three things he lived for most.
So in honor of his memory and this somewhat forgotten, rather unappreciated holiday, here are three things that make me grateful every. single. day:
1. My Family.
Life has taught me that our time here on Earth is short — family is so much more important than we realize. I am grateful every single day for the incredible people who I am honored to call family. They remind me of my self-worth, my inner strength, and my own creativity whenever I need it most; I truly don’t know where I would be without them.
2. My Work.
By nature, I’m a hard-worker and live for the thrill of a job well-done. But when I graduated college I got a job in finance to pay the bills. The very day I paid off my student loans, I quit my job and returned to my real passions in life: photography and story-telling. My heart wells up with happiness everytime I remind myself that I have a job I absolutely love. I am forever grateful that I have the freedom and support I need to make my passion into my job.
3. My Friends.
As I’ve grown my blog (and my Instagram following — which inspired me to start this blog in the first place), I’ve met some truly incredible people. I’ve certainly met my fair-share of awful, self-centered ones too. But the true kindred spirits I’ve met on this path have made it worth the drama and frustration ten-fold. I am so grateful that I have met some of the incredible souls I have — my life will be forever richer for it.
So tell me — what are you truly grateful for this Thanksgiving?
And here are a few outtakes from our puggy Thanksgiving shoot to give you a good Turkey Day giggle:
Time to play!