By now, you’ve probably (correctly!) deduced that I have a thing for quality.
And I especially have a thing for good quality handbags!
Let’s face it, the modern woman does a lot. We are more active, mobile, connected, and engaged than almost any other generation previously. We’re expected to be experts on everything and be prepared for anything.
For the most part I rise to this challenge willingly but if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my adult womanhood, it’s that a good handbag is one of the best investments you can make.
One brilliantly conceived tote can make all the difference between chaos and calmness.
I’ve already told you how obsessed I am with my McQueen Heroine Satchel but now I want to share the bag that has literally saved my cluttered life and morphed it into a chic-yet-oh-so-practical one.
Today I’m obsessing over my Victoria Beckham Liberty Tote.I’ve already mentioned my obsession with Victoria Beckham before — she’s one of those designers I never expected to swoon over and yet, ironically enough, have found myself hopelessly head-over-heels for.
Her designs are simple, classic, and versatile while still remaining distinctly modern. Basically all the elements of my dream wardrobe in one brand. So naturally I’ve spent plenty of time researching her line and dreaming of an unlimited American Express card with which to buy absolutely everything from the label.
Because I basically want everything from the label. What can I say? #hopelesslyaddictedBut then it happened.
In February I saw this bright orange Liberty Tote hit the shelves and just about fell over myself.
A big tote — big enough to carry my camera, a few extra lenses and my usual essentials? And in the perfect hue of persimmon orange?
It was love at first sight.
So I started scraping together my spare pennies in the hopes that I’d be able to scramble together enough to buy the bag before it sold out. Suffusive to say, with a little help from this summer’s sale season, my Liberty Tote obsession became a reality last month.
And I could not LOVE this bag more.
Every single detail is consciously designed with the luxurious simplicity that has come to be associated with Beckham’s label.
It’s a lush linen-lined whopper of a tote — big enough to house pretty much anything I can think of carrying but without swallowing my petite frame.
An enormous tote designed for the under-5’5″ crew deserves a hallelujah, amiright?But my favorite aspect of this simple design is its ability to cinch in at the top and transform into a much smaller, folded bag — the perfect amount of versatility for any activity!
Look at how cute it is — all cinched in!
But it’s the quality of the bag that I’ve been most impressed with this last month. The leather is supple and rich with a stunning smooth matte finish and vibrancy in color that so far hasn’t dulled in the slightest.
This bag was designed to take a beating and walk away looking smashing, not smashed — the perfect all-purpose carry-all for a klutz like me. I’ve basically used it non-stop since receiving it the same day I shot this outfit and have no plans on stopping anytime soon!
So tell me — what do you look for in an investment bag?
Or if you’re on the hunt for your own perfect investment bag and aren’t sure where to start, snag my favorite tips here!