Back at the end of April Richard Branson officially opened his first Virgin Hotel right here in Chicago! After attending Rick Gresh’s preview dinner in October, and then the media launch of the first-floor diner Miss Ricky’s, I knew the food would be amazing but I don’t think anyone in Chicago was prepared for just HOW MUCH FUN the grand opening party itself would be!On the morning of the grand opening I was lucky enough to get to tour the hotel and experience some of the more female-friendly amenities with ABC’s Nightline! It was such a fun way to learn about the space and to be a part of the opening celebrations.
And then later at the red carpet party this happened…
Want to experience some of the fun for yourself? Virgin’s Upside Down Tea Party is a great way to embrace Bransons’ particular brand of bon vivant for yourself!
Virgin Hotels, you really are “so good-looking“!