As a blogger, I often get asked by readers what I wear when I’m off-duty, i.e. not all “blogged up” (my new phrase for when bloggers get dolled up for photos). Generally speaking everything I post on the blog is what I actually wore the day I shot, heels and all, but there are plenty of days when I don’t shoot my outfits, especially on weekends.
But styling off-duty outfits can be difficult too — you want to feel composed but relaxed, intentional but unconfined and coordinated without appearing to try TOO hard.
Sweater – Zara || Jeans – Asos Ridley || Sneakers – Nike ‘Genicco’ || Purse – LK Bennett ‘Kaylee’ || Necklace – Brooks Brothers Wishbone (similar) || Rings – Forever 21 || Sunglasses – Le Specs || Nails – Essie Cashmere Matte in ‘All Eyes on Nudes‘ || Lips – NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in ‘Istanbul’
When I began this blogging journey, my off-duty uniform was usually one of Hubby’s old shirts, a pair of Lululemon leggings and Minnetonka Moccasins. Not chic by any means! But I quickly realized that working with as many clients in our neighborhood as I do meant I could no longer go grocery shopping incognito, looking like I just fell out of bed.
So I developed my off-duty uniform formula: my softest, stretchiest jeans + a voluminous sweater + a brightly colored crossbody + sneaks. Simple and easy enough to pull together BEFORE I’ve had my morning coffee but still polished enough to appear like I at least TRIED.
What do you wear when you are off-duty but still want to feel chic?